
A Global Community of Recruiters & Developers

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Community for Software Developers

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Community for Recruiters

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The purpose of the community is to bring recruiters and software developers on a single platform. The community presents an opportunity for job seekers to interact, share knowledge and information, ask questions, take up freelancing gigs, and get direct access to hiring events such as recruit-a-thons. Recruiters get the chance to post jobs and get quick responses from eligible candidates. We also aggregate jobs from different job boards to help the candidates know about multiple openings on a single platform.

Recruiters and software developers belonging to any technology stack can join the community.

Job seekers get access to job openings from various job boards and community-exclusive job postings from recruiters. You also get direct access to hiring events such as recruit-a-thons. In addition, you can share information and knowledge with other job seekers, network with recruiters and job seekers, and get answers to your questions on the open community forum.

Yes. The community has recruiters who are on the lookout for suitable candidates and regularly post their requirements. Being part of the community fast-tracks your application to these jobs. You can also apply for freelancing gigs. We also aggregate job postings from various job portals so that you can see all relevant openings in one place. In addition, we also invite suitable candidates for exclusive hiring events.

Yes! We welcome industry experts to mentor junior community members.
Join Our Global Network of Tech Talent & Recruiters

Join Our Global Network of Tech Talent & Recruiters

Network… learn… Source talent… and work with the top talent and companies in the US market. 

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For inquiries or requests that require a more personal response, you may reach out to us via email at info@taapexchange.com and we will get back to you.

Slack Community

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Tarun Mahajan
A CTO’s Guide to the Metaverse

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